Expand transform explore grow learn , my path in kink , my way kink as the shadow aspect of Eros.

Im Mr vikthor an artist in the world of fetish , Tantra is the filosophy that i follow to understand the body and the energies within , spiritual kink when i face the shadow and explorer of the esoteric to help me to find a profound understanding . Astrologer and theater maker ,tantric man , Bdsm Master

Eros is a primarily life force energy as creation, for the Ancient represent love in a pure form that create the universe . My work encompasses ancient Tantra techniques, Kink and the Esoteric. This combination can open new perspectives to explore your Kink feelings when we see these as the life force energy, Kundalini, in full. A sacred flame that exists within us , waiting to be acknowledged and fully experienced. I work on my Tantra Kink journeys with the stars and the planets where the importance of our personal planets configuration can help to make the experience more personal. When I refer to Astrology I refer to the psychological archetypes in our horoscope. Here the planet Venus represents love, desire and sensuality while Mars refers to the more primitive forces and impulses that help us achieve what we want. The Moon will talk about our feelings and the Sun, whom we are and the full potential that we have to develop. Saturn rules our fears, obstacles and taboos, Jupiter, our desire to expand and grow , truth and Mercury rules the mind. This all links to the Chakra system the center of energy within the body in Indian tradition . Welcome to Tantra kink and astrology .

What is kink

Kink is the aspect of Eros that represents our taboos. It is a practice that includes that include several forms , fetishism, voyeurism, exhibitionism, cross-dressing ,BDSM and everything that is out of the norm and considered a deviation in our sexual behaviour.

Being able to express our kinks desires , explore it in a safe, sane and consensual way is the road i chose to teach . Being able to enjoying what we like,whom we are without judgment and shame ,can be a deep way of personal transformation .


Tantra is a 4000 year old philosophy that originated in the Far East in India. It teaches us the ability to reconnect with our senses, to become more aware of our physical body and to discover, manage and use the natural energy within each of us. It teaches us five important tools that help us develop as a person, connecting mind, body and spirit. We learn about meditation and we work with the physical body through Asanas (yoga). We practice breathing techniques (Pranayamas) and develop a better awareness of the body through touch and massage. Rituals that help us to connect to the spiritual aspect by aligning our mind and body with with the forces beyond . These techniques are central in my Kink practice so as to understand one of the most important teachings of Tantra: transformation of ourselves on the quest to finding our true purpose.

The esoteric . What is Astrology

Astrology is the study of the movement of the planets and their influence on events on Earth and in our lives. It is inextricably linked to the history of human evolution; as old as humanity itself. Man has long looked to the skies for anwers to questions on life on Earth. The first written evidence of Astrology and the Zodiac, as we know it, was in Chaldea, Babylon, arond 3000BC where the astrologer was called the Magus. They began to observe and record the movement of the planets and stars. In time these studies would mix with Egyptian astrology and the Greeks would help spread these ideas as far as India, where Western and Eastern astrology met. This evolution of Astrology gave birth to various methods of interpretation, or different schools. In my practice I use the psychological, evolutionary astrology that open a door to interpretations that help us to evolve , looking at the chart with a positive and hopeful eyes , i combine with Hellenistic astrology that conects with the ancients voices as fountain of knowledge .

The Hero in restraint : a overview in Sacred kink