The origin of a kinky boy

Everything begins somewhere and what I am about to tell is where did it all begin for me. But before you go read further remember that this blog is about kinky life adventures. Be warned! Where was I ? Oh yes! Where it all began.

To be honest, I think a very long time ago.  When I was a young boy. I had a group of cousins and friends with whom I used to play, all sorts of competitions. I would direct a game wherein if you lose you have to take off some part of clothing and I always managed it that everyone ended up naked. I directed my own club, I directed and wrote my own plays and later somehow I came to realise that giving directions was always in me. I did not yet however know to what extent it all would develop with time into my particular approach to sexuality. I was not ready but like any good wine it only needed time to get the right taste. I was just waiting in the shadows for the right moment to come out as a kinkster and taste the forbidden wine from a forbidden fruit. Living in Amsterdam certainly made it easier to get in contact with a herd of black sheep. The city is quiet full of it, lucky me!

I was invited several times to a renowned kinky party but never found the courage to accept the invitation. Some insecurity I guess, like everybody in the beginning I was afraid.  All sorts of questions going around in my head till one day i decided to accept the invitation and went with a very good excuse… I was going to film a show. Then I grew very excited and somehow I knew that this was a starting point to a complete change in my life, a change for years to come.

Wasteland is fetish ball, an event that happens two times a year, a place where people of all genders and fetish meet. A free place,  a free feeling that I hadn’t experienced on a party since my youth in Chile. This at another memorable event, Spandex, in the early nineties. Also a kind of sexual revolution, though I might say that  Wasteland is quiet a different party.

That night, camera in hand, I went to find a good spot to film from. The place was full of people. It was very exciting to see for the first time a fetish minded scene celebrating being sexy, and all kinds of sexy. Sexy tall and short, fat and thin, sexy gay and trans and sexy wheel chair man. Music loud, and lots of naughty shows on many different stages. I was to film a show on the main stage and I found a perfect place on a balcony with a perfect frontal view. I only needed to set up my tripod and be ready and at witch moment I looked down to set the tripod feet and there was a women kneeling on the ground giving a blow job to a half naked man. Suddenly I stopped and started to look carefully around to see where I was exactly. I had ended up in the middle of a playground space. With very many images I will never forget as it was the first time Iopend the door to my voyeur and I liked it!

I had found my place and I come back again and again but now with my own show. What was scary, and taboo, became the foundation of all what I do now as an artist and as a kinkster.