The timeless images .

Image making as a part of a creative impulse,  is a big aspect on  my vision of kink life style , a consensual play  where  a creative proces where  both participate , me as Dominant and my submissive . Images are timeless a snap of time that will remain and will always stay as a evidence of a precious moment when souls are talking to each other . A expresion of the two side of one coin , Dominant /submissive .  My sacred kink

The astrology of Kink

Astrology and the kink

Two years of intensive study of astrology  bring me to the point where  i can find

connections  that can bring some light to for some of us ,is alternative sexuality .

Configuration of planets and their possition in houses, together with their transit ,in the all became a fascinating

field where to play , mergin my kink with the esoteric something that

i was always enchanted .

Light in Dark side

The Dark Side, the shadow ( C.G.Jung ) the forbidden zone where many aspect of sexuality remain hidden , fare from the eyes of rigid moral well behave society standard. Dark Eros, is there and is not going away, will always want to come out to be present as part of whom you are. The forever long dichotomy between the spirit and the flesh , the good and the bad, light and dark all part of the same coin, like day and night, one can’t be without the other. Let gaze to the shadow with no fear, there is a lot from one can learn. Surfing the waves of Dark Eros


Ropes my spiritual path

As Master K  said in his book, The beauty of kinbaku ,  ” … give pleasure and express gratitude and affection to a beloved partner through the techniques of Kinbaku ,is the adjective spiritual really that inappropriate? frankly …the sacred space seems more than fitting. ”   Ropes are connected to a very old  Japanese religion called Shinto, sacred ropes were used to mark spaces, where was believe that the spirits of deity reside .  on my personal way of practicing ropes bondage ( kinbaku) Sacred space become a central part of my journey, the submissive partner is encapsulated with ropes and elevated to the status of sacred , where a spiritual bond with is master increase through trust and activate sexual energy wich in combination with tantric techniques, like breathwork  , yoga positions, and  a set  intension , elevate the journey from lower to higher chakra , pleasure connects with the heart, the surrendering man frees himself by restraining and lets his master to hold the space, that had become sacred.


Reflexion about stones

Chain bondage come to me through my slave boy passion on the heavily restricted way of restraining with chain, and locks. Soon I begging to enjoy the feeling of full chain restrain by being a dedicated Kee holder. But also as a tantric man, I love to make connections with the spiritual aspect of human personality and giving and intention to the action, seeing on this bondage expression a ritual of a deep effect on the submissive partner, a door to complete surrender and a place where the soul find rest, lower chakras connecting with higher chakras, and in the esoteric aspect, i see steel chain and lock as and earth element , a magic stone that as being made chain by Vulcano, Hefaistus, greek god the made the magic instrument for the olympian gods, and the chains of Prometheus, the titan that steal the fire from the gods to give it to the human race and he got chain into a Caucasus mountain , sacrifice for human race knowledge. Here we are talking about archetypes, earth element, the first chakra Muladhara. Then we can say that this Prometheus chain into my dungeon bed is liberating himself from his real-life chain and access peace sleep on dreamland Agna 6 chakra.

Farm house bdsm immersion

Farm House three days  immersion,  a  B.d.s.m experience , 60 hrs  in one soul stand still moving sexual energy, tantra and shibari , far away from the  world noise, under the trees, with no internet connection,   my new heaven  , that will help  to get  into a deep and quiet mind space with no drugs, but our own natural sexual  energy,  It  took some months to prepare, first fixing a  day and place  but  when  de date came close, I start  with first assignment,Runner, the slave   has to wear  one week a chastity device  to keep sacred sexual energy in place  as a way of preparation for the weekend  journey .

The First day begins early, and anticipation where high, I decided to start on my tantric dungeon that morning  and I got my first surprise , Runner boy (the slave )  come in that Friday of beautiful dutch April, just on time and in  perfectly well dress suit just for me, because I like smart  looking man, so my plans have to change a bit and I couldn’t avoid having the pleasure of putting my ropes around him in that suit .

what came next was a surprise for him, I haven’t finish packing so he has to wait for me so I did attach him with chain and metal cuffs in the hand and feet to hooks in a place I call my upper dungeon  for a couple of hours, till I was ready, and of course, he was very excited about , I took everything I will need from my dungeon, and ready to go  to somewhere in the north of Holland,  so I free the slave free and load the car, the   journey starts, all happens in a nice low protocol status , the slave collar was  in place, and we have  two hours drive,we talk  all along, about D/S, listening to music and about our private life with formal  vanilla partners . The time passes quickly  and  suddenly we where there, in a wonderful place under the trees, we arrive around mid-afternoon, with a nice sunlight across the forest, we were received by Henk and Marieke , an old couple that rent places for families or us, and they certainly  didn’t know what we where about to do in their wonderful  place that weekend, an as good dutch behavior, discretion is always at front, so no awkward questions, two men alone, hum!  They left the place an never see them again


What happened next just follows in a perfect rhythm and harmony, each one of us  on their roles,  two men  just contemplate first  the wonderful place, download the car with tools and toys, and as was expected, first thing first, chain around runner’s feet as i like it, and then  prepare the place for play . The house has one main room, with high ceiling very  good for suspension because you can have rigger point from a very strong wood been that just was high enough across all room, there was  a  bedroom  with a  big bed to tight up my boy  and sleep comfortably, kitchen well  prepare for cooking, very important  for Runner , he  will cook all weekend .  I start to  prepare the  playground and  my altar,  remember i m a sacred kinkster , so there is candles, incense, tarot card archetypes, amethyst stones for massage essence oils,  torture portable bed,rigger point , feathers and a glass of wine , Yes that was aloud because first night wont include heavy bondage of course we have some wine and runner start cooking .

The chain on the feet of runner  was not a punishment at all, that is something that he just love, and he will remain in chain the all journey only to take it off, on specific moment when it’s required, not all you do in D/s play it seems like you see, because at the end is all about happiness and  pleasure, so chain boy was his real kick  and I know it  . The first  evening was wonderful, because there was enough time to set the game , to talk ,eat nice food ,some wine  and play  ,it began with my tarot card ritual and  this time The Hanged man card number 12 from Tarot, self-sacrifice for wisdom,  nice card !   to begin, is a strange  way of seeing things but make sense , the card is the  image of a man hanging by the feet ,wish I used a lot on my rope work as power image  and that night he will get a bondage on the feet to sleep , then I start  shaving  the body  to prepare it  for the  journey long play with light of  candle  and massage  of course and ropes  Bondage,  the  boy is going to sleep tight up feet and arm, yes sir yes ! night fall , deep sleep with a a considerable amount of play  .

When the two men finally where  ready to sleep birds start to sing along ,that was a very intense first night for them

That morning turn to midday, time to move, the sun was there and breakfast was served, days  pass  very fast   between play  food, walk in the forest, ropes, massage, more ropes, torture games, whips and more food

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